martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Nature vs. Nurture

For years, psychologists have wondered what causes people to be the way they are. Francis Galton developed the question of Nature vs. Nurture. It asks how much of one’s way of being comes from genes and how much is learned from the environment around them. Francis Galton was born on February 16, 1822 and was Charles Darwin's half cousin. A few topics that are part of this debate are artistic and athletic abilities, homosexuality, personality, normal or criminal behaviour, intelligence, etc. In general, scientists believe that nature and nurture both influence on the way people act. There are many things a person can be born with, but our environment and the people who surround us can influence the way we turn out to be. Some scientists cientists believe that homosexuality, behavior, and other factors are genetic. But some factors such as phobias, sense of humor, and factors such as these are learned throughout life. I think that most physical things we inherit from our parents and family but parts of our personality are learned from our surroundings.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, on the 12th of Frebruary, 1809. He developed an interest in Geology while he was in college; he attended Christ's College of Cambridge. On December 27, 1831, he set out on an expedition aboard the H.M.S Beagle, with captain Fitzroy. This expedition was set towards Tierra del Fuego, the Galapagos islands and ohter destinations, but its tru purpose was to study the topography of these areas. As Darwin hunted animals he saw the difference between species living in other countries, and started writing scientific journals about it.He came to a theory called the Theory of Natural Selection. It explains that living beings have to evolve over time to be able to adjust to their environment. The problem that he had with society, and eith his wife, was that this theory of Evolution went against religion. It stated that God hadn't created the world, and this would not be well toletared by people, because they were very religious at the time. His anguish was due to another man that had came to the same conclusion about evolution and was planning on publishing a book about it as well as Darwin. It was also caused by the tension of knowing that his theory might be rejected and all his work would have only been to turn people against him. In the end, Charles Darwin's theory is accepted in the modern world and is widely studied.

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

What is Psychology??

I think psychology is the study of the way each person percieves the outer world and how one's mind functions. Each one of us has a different mentality about things and a unique perspective that makes us different from other people, and everyone's mind is different. It is also the study of our emotions and our behaviour and what triggers it.