martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Nature vs. Nurture

For years, psychologists have wondered what causes people to be the way they are. Francis Galton developed the question of Nature vs. Nurture. It asks how much of one’s way of being comes from genes and how much is learned from the environment around them. Francis Galton was born on February 16, 1822 and was Charles Darwin's half cousin. A few topics that are part of this debate are artistic and athletic abilities, homosexuality, personality, normal or criminal behaviour, intelligence, etc. In general, scientists believe that nature and nurture both influence on the way people act. There are many things a person can be born with, but our environment and the people who surround us can influence the way we turn out to be. Some scientists cientists believe that homosexuality, behavior, and other factors are genetic. But some factors such as phobias, sense of humor, and factors such as these are learned throughout life. I think that most physical things we inherit from our parents and family but parts of our personality are learned from our surroundings.

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